Luke McPhail
Water Technology, QLD, Australia
- This delegate is presenting an abstract at this event.

Luke McPhail is an Integrated Water Management specialist at Water Technology. His focus is on the application of IWM Principles to water management challenges for the benefit of clients, communities and the environment. He is a firm believer in "useable science", and that water management models are a tool (amongst many) to support and inform the decision-making process.
Luke is the former Product and Project Manager for the stormwater quality modelling tool, MUSIC, and a Project Manager for the Australian National Hydrologic Modelling Platform, eWater Source. He was the Chair of the CRC for Water Sensitive Cities "Tools and Products" Steering Committee and was actively involved in the testing and application of the CRC's Scenario Tool.
With more than 15 years of Australian and International experience in water engineering and science software product and project management, water sensitive urban design (WSUD), stormwater quality modelling, and the delivery of training for modelling and WSUD. He has extensive experience leading and working with multi-disciplinary and multi-sector teams and stakeholders.
Luke has overseen, supported, reviewed, and applied numerous stormwater quality modelling and project assessments. Additionally, he has experience in marketing, design, and commercialisation activities, including Technical User Guides, Usability Testing, Support and Project Management for multiple CRC for Catchment Hydrology, eWater CRC and CRC for Water Sensitive Cities software tools.
Presentations this author is a contributor to:
Development of the stream rehabilitation guidelines for Queensland (#41)
3:20 PM
Luke R McPhail
Riparian / Vegetation