Jenny Butcher
Alluvium Consulting Australia, VIC, Australia

Jenny is an environmental engineer with a strong interest in urban water, waterway management and liveability. Jenny has worked on numerous water quality, urban water, water sensitive urban design (WSUD), and water policy projects. These have included hydrologic and hydraulic modelling, spatial analysis, and numerous designs for constructed waterways, wetlands, channel naturalisation, and stormwater treatment assets from concept through to detailed design. Jenny is highly valued for her technical, organisational and communication skills.
Jenny has been involved in a number of habitat creation projects, in particular drought refuge design for Dwarf Galaxias through the project Opportunities Plan towards the Recovery of Nationally Threatened Dwarf Galaxias in the Dandenong Valley for Melbourne Water. This project has evolved from looking at opportunities to enhance the Dwarfs Galaxias populations, through to functional design of drought refuge pools.