Using Aquatic Habitat Mapping to prioritise on-ground investment — ASN Events

Using Aquatic Habitat Mapping to prioritise on-ground investment (#75)

Bruce J Christie 1 , Clayton Miller 1 , Mick Callan 1 , Rod Price 2
  1. Central Tablelands Local Land Services, MUDGEE, NSW, Australia
  2. NSW Department of Primary Industries – Fisheries , Fisheries Manager - MDB Habitat Rehabilitation, Dubbo, NSW, Australia

Recovery of the Mac Stage 1 is a collaborative project developed between the Sofala Branch of the Central Acclimatisation Society (CAS), Bathurst Regional Council, Central Tablelands Local Land Services, NSW DPI Fisheries and the Central West Councils Environment and Waterways Alliance with support from OZ Fish Unlimited. The project was funded mainly through the NSW Department of Primary Industries - Fisheries (Habitat Action Grant) with in-kind and cash contributions from all other consortium members.

In 2016 the Central Tablelands LLS contracted NSW DPI Fisheries to map the aquatic habitat features along the upper reach of the Macquarie River from the confluence of Fish and Campbell Rivers downstream through Bathurst for a total length of 20kms. This mapping benchmarked current conditions, made recommendations regarding the protection and improvement of stream health, threatened species habitat enhancement, weed control and improvement of other habitat features which was ultimately used to direct works for the Recovery of the Mac project.

The Recovery of the Mac project includes targeted interventions to extend and build on existing habitat features along a specific reach of the Macquarie River.  Works include modification to existing weirs to open up fish passage for 400+ km, installation of large rock assemblages to create scour holes and allow the river channel to narrow and deepen through geomorphic processes, removal of invasive plants and revegetation with native species with a view to enhance native fish refuge habitat and restore fish passage.

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